Register to win a ton! A new winner is announced each month.

We’ll keep you warm this winter. Register to win a ton of North Country Wood Pellets courtesy of Michigan Wood Fuels.

North Country pellets are made from Michigan hardwoods like White Oak, Red Oak and Maple. Our pellets burn efficiently with minimal residual ash.

Simply fill out the form below and we’ll take care of the rest. Winners are announced each month.

Questions? Call us 616.355.4955

“North Country pellets burn great. I won a ton of them last season and they lasted six weeks. And there were some sub-zero days, let me tell you.”

Dave, Elmira, Michigan

Register to Win A Ton

Take our survey (It only takes a minute). You’ll be automatically registered to win one ton of North Country Pellets.

    NCWP Survey

    How many tons do you typically buy each heating season?

    1-23-4More than 5

    What characteristics are most important to you in pellets?

    Ash ContentHeat OutputPrice

    How many years have you used wood pellet fuel?

    1-3 years3-5 years6 or more years

    Do you use wood pellet fuel as your primary source of heat, or does it supplement another heating source in your home?


    Rules: Only one entry per street address and per person.Previous winners may not re-enter. Only Michigan residents are eligible to win. Winning may come in the form of a gift certificate to a local pellet retailer, depending on the winner’s location.